
Campus Universitário de Santiago, Edificio 1, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal


00351 234 370 833





UNAVE – Association for Professional Training and Research at the University of Aveiro (UA), it is since 1986 an interface unit for lifelong learning between the University of Aveiro and society at large. Under statutory terms, UNAVE is a non-profit private association in which the leading member is UA.

Operating in the training market for more than three decades, UNAVE designs and delivers training courses at university level for professional upskilling and reskilling. The programs are flexible and continuously adjusted to the needs of professionals and organizations, updated from the permanent dialogue with companies and their associations, with professional groups and other civil society movements, both at home and abroad.

The courses are delivered in a range of formats such as presential, live training, blended learning, and e-learning, and the technical and pedagogical quality is supported by the excellence of teaching and research at the University of Aveiro.

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